Health & Hope, Bringing Clean Water & the Living Word
If you have followed our news from Burundi, you have seen the importance of sharing Bibles with all the widows and orphans, students at rural high schools and outreaches to villages and the intense reactions to receiving a Bible of their very own. They clutch the Bible tightly to their chests, usually with tears of joy, worship, dance and give thanks for this incredible gift they had never hoped to possess.
Students at two high schools are praying that they may have Bibles as well so that they can be discipled and study His Word for themselves. Homecare ministry leaders have been investigating particular areas of great need in the rural areas, those who have never had access to clean water and are suffering greatly.
They estimate the need for 1,500 filters that they would distribute in cooperation with local churches so that families will not only have health from the clean water but also hear a clear presentation of the Gospel and have follow up with local churches. We are still able to purchase the water filters for $25. Our vision is to combine Health (clean water) and Hope (the Bible) in strategic outreaches for the next several months.
For $35 you could provide clean water & a Bible
This will be our focus until these needs are met. Please pray about how you can be a part of this important outreach. Enlist your children, family, friends, small groups, wherever you have influence, to help give Health and Hope to thousands of people in Burundi – so little money for such eternal impact. Feel free to share social media posts or emails.
Project Update
There were a group of 50 pastors who were leading their congregations as best they can from memory because they do not have a Bible of their own to study and share. It may be hard for us to understand where we have access to hundreds of versions of the scriptures.
We are excited to say that each of those pastors, PLUS some other community leaders now have their own Bibles. THANK YOU for your help! We are deeply grateful to you who have provided these Bibles. We hope to continue providing Bibles for the thousands still waiting for His Word.
Areas of Focus
The root of most of the issues Burundi faces is dire poverty. The average income is only $278 a year, currently placing Burundi as the poorest country in the world. Due to repeated cycles of internal conflict, disease, poor access to education, malnutrition, and unclean water, little progress has been made.
Because of the current political, economic situation in Burundi, Hope4Burundi, in partnership with Burundi Christian nationals, such as Homecare Ministries, is providing immediate relief for survival: food, clean water, and shelter. Micro-loans are also provided to enable widows and orphans to begin their own businesses, enabling them to support their families.
A key element in restoration in Burundi is education. The majority of boys may only go through grade 5; girls, grade 2, with often receiving no education at all, for girls are considered more useful to work at home rather than worth educating. Few will go beyond primary school, and even fewer to university.
The children of those in the Homecare ministry network are provided school fees, uniforms and supplies so that they may regularly attend school. Many of the widows and orphans in the ministry have little or no education, so literacy and math training is provided so that they can enter into skill training and be able to support their families. A year long sewing training program is provided, which is a viable, sustaining skill. At the end of the training they will receive a sewing machine and tools to begin their own businesses.
Good health is key to being able to utilize education and training, so Hope4Burundi supports basic training in health and hygiene, while providing for health care for those within the Homecare Ministry network as needed, including HIV screening and medications. Clean water is a crucial need for health and survival; Hope4Burundi is providing water filters for families and communities so that they no longer suffer from water born diseases which are crippling and often fatal. This has made a huge difference already, and many more filters are in the process of being distributed throughout the country. Space conserving gardens have been established at the ministry center to provide nourishing vegetables that greatly support better health and nutrition. Students learn these methods so that they can duplicate these gardens at their homes to better nourish their families and share these techniques with others.
Spiritual Development and Outreach:
The mission of Hope4Burundi is to address the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of Burundi, with spiritual development as the foundation built upon having a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, growing in that relationship, and sharing this truth for life with others. Bible teaching is offered daily at the ministry center, along with prayer and counseling. Bibles are given for personal study and growth. Those who have benefitted from this are encouraged and eager to share these truths with others in their families and communities so that more can come to true life and hope. The ministry leaders are active in reaching out to other areas in Burundi to share the Good News, building relationships, addressing needs, with the ultimate goal of all of Burundi hearing the Gospel and finding new life in Jesus. We believe that heart change is the key to Burundi’s restoration.
Family and Community:
We have found that the key to restoration lies in a sense of community where people feel valued, heard, supported and cared for. Homecare Ministry provides such a community environment, the only “family” many have ever experienced. In a pro-active approach to keeping families together and growing strong families, mothers are equipped to support their children rather than abandoning them due to inability to provide for them. God’s design for family and community are modeled and lived out, along with scriptural teaching to build strong families, which build strong communities. Outreaches in village areas promote unity and purpose as they come together to address their own needs.
We also bring ministry teams from the US to join in with ongoing ministry, broadening a sense of community for both those who go and those they serve. We are called to work together as one body, and when individuals, families and communities work together, living by Godly principles, strong nations emerge. This is our Hope4Burundi.