Blessed Be The Ties That Bind
We arrived safely last night after a long journey, tired, lagged, but so happy to be here! Today was our first day in Bujumbura, which turned out to be a National holiday, so none of the students would be coming to the center. This opened up an opportunity to spend quality time with just the staff, a rare privilege, for it is usually far too busy when everyone is there to really share and be together for more than a few minutes. But that meant that they gave up their holiday to spend the day with us – first evidence of how much it means to them to be with their US friends and share together!
Before each staff member shared about themselves and their role in the ministry, Mary spontaneously led out in songs of worship and prayers of gratitude and praise for God’s faithfulness. As we stood there, hand in hand, praising God, there is an instant knitting of hearts. As they each shared what the ministry meant to them, we heard several words and phrases repeated continually: love, blessing, family, healing, privilege to serve. It is immediately evident that the love of Jesus flows through each of them in such a special way that is tangible. We got to spend several hours with them, and it was beautiful.
David and Heather began videoing individual interviews with the staff, something rather new to them. The camera can be rather intimidating, but we are thankful to capture the beauty and individuality of this amazing team to be shared with others.

As the interviews continued, those who were free began to take measurements of the team members who wanted items made for them by the ladies. Stacks of brightly patterned fabrics were brought in for their choosing, and each one could request any design imaginable simply from a description or picture. They take such pride in making exquisite, tailor-made, custom fitted clothing and love to see the finished products on us when they are done.
We did have quite a downpour today while we were at the center; it is the rainy season here now, and they can be quite heavy. It actually brought in a pleasant breeze and a bit cooler temperature; delightful.
At dinner the team shared their first impressions from today. They all recognized the powerful love and devotion they saw and heard among all the staff, the unity they displayed, their genuine love for one another, for the Lord, and for every person who enters their doors. “The presence of the Holy Spirit fills this place,” shared one team member. This is true Christ-centered community, and we are so thrilled to be here with them.
Tomorrow we will travel upcountry to the mountain area of Matana where the second ministry center is. We’ll get to visit with and hear from the widows and orphans who have completed their first year of discipleship/sewing training and preparing for the very first Matana graduation on Friday! We are looking forward to being with them, hearing their testimonies, and taking in the beautiful scenery of the countryside as we travel. Thank you for praying for our journey here; please continue to pray for health, safety, and our total availability to the Lord, to fulfill His plans for our time here.